Archive | October 2012

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All women are angels….

..until someone upsets us and breaks our wings then we take to our brooms so watch out who you hurt!!!  Witches ready your brooms!  Happy Halloween!

Laughed so hard nearly wet myself dating profiles!

I know I have a regular feature called ‘Oh dear dating profile’ but after reading this one post I think I now need to start another called ‘laughed so hard nearly wet myself dating profiles!’  Hope this makes you smile too and trust me it is 100% genuine!  How could you make this stuff up? […]

Mmmm men in suits – we love Bond!

Match dating = match making? The undercover rocker

As regular readers will know I recently went with a couple of single friends along to a speed dating event that was holding locally. Here is the final anecdote about another puzzling man we spoke to… A very tall gentleman at the bar came over to chat to us. At first he spoke to […]

Match dating = Match making? continued…

I recently went with a couple of single friends along to a speed dating event that was holding locally.  Here are some more anecdotes about some of the more interesting men we spoke to – 2)     The Metro man Our second conversation of the evening was with a very cute guy who looked very […]

Wise words from Coco Chanel

In honour of our Coco’s birthday here are some wise words from another Coco…Chanel

Something to remember for the ladies this weekend…

Match dating = Matchmaking?

 I recently went with a couple of single friends along to a speed dating event that was holding locally.  Here is our review:- Firstly we were disappointed that it wasn’t a genuine speed dating event as we sat down at a table and were chatted up by a variety of candidates that weren’t moved […]

For all those ladies deciding what to wear tonight…

Some words of wisdom from one of the most glamorous sirens that ever lived.  Ms Marilyn Monroe…

Smart words for the weekend…

For all you girls and boys out there heading on dates this weekend here are some wise words for you…